Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Direct Client Requirement ------ Rubys on Rails Developer ----- Austin, TX ----- DOE

Hi All,                  


One of our direct clients is looking for the following consultants. Please send your most qualified candidates' resumes at your earliest convenience. Please also respond with the expected rate and best contact phone numbers.


Confirmation will be sent if your consultant is submitted to the client and you will be contacted for additional information.




Rubys on Rails Developer







Austin, TX

3 Months


Please send resumes to resume[at]chandratech.com

Local candidates preferred.


Required Skills:

Ruby on Rails development experience.  Can include Groovy/Grails experience, but must have at least 2 years solid, verifiable Ruby on Rails experience.

Documented knowledge of SQL or other relational database

Web development experience with HTML5, CSS3

Experience with Windows and UNIX

XML/JSON REST use and development, Web services.



Kao Ly Lee

Technical Recruiter

Chandra Technologies, Inc

Email: resume[at]chandratech.com 



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